2009-05-28 - Savile Lane


~4 miles @ ~10 min/mi

The jogging path is rumored to be closed today so I try an excursion down Savile Lane, a somewhat hilly road apparently traveled largely by BMWs and Jaguars. It winds past gated mansions and after a mile dead-ends just short of the GW Memorial Parkway at a for-sale sign. I turn around rather than cut through, fortunately for me: when I look back I see a police car. Perhaps the locals called the constabulary out of concern over a scruffy ruffian running through their rich neighborhood? In any case I retreat the way I came, chase a dragonfly beside the highway, and discover that the jogging path is available after all. So I try one loop there as a pace check. A wee lavender butterfly flutters by as I clock a marked mile in 9:51. Churned mud with tread tracks from a mini-dozer show where trailside brush has been cleared.

^z - 2009-06-04